Confirmation of conformity of LATONIT to the European CE certificate of quality
LATO, OJSC once again proves conformance of LATONIT fiber cement facade materials to requirements of the European quality standards.
In accordance with the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council No.305/2011/EU the construction materials realized on the territory of the countries of the European Union have to undergo obligatory certification of quality.
For receiving and subsequent confirmation of the European quality certificate of products it is necessary to pass a number of measures including:
- the expertize of operating characteristics of construction material which is carried out on the basis of full testing of samples to determine compliance with the stated parameters;
- primary inspection of manufacturer and control system of the manufacturing process;
- continuous monitoring, expertize and evaluation of control of the manufacturing process.
The certified products acquire the right to be marked with the European certificate of quality as follows (an example of marking):

CE certificate of LATONIT products testifies that all provisions relating to expertize and evaluation of the manufacturing process and technical characteristics of material described in ZA Appendix of the EN12467:2012 standard are carried out and that the product conforms to all specified requirements set out in this standard.
LATONIT finishing materials include:
- colored fiber cement panels;
- fiber cement stuff-dyed panels;
- facade panels with vandal-proof coating;
- pressed uncolored fiber cement boards;
- fiber cement siding-panels.